Strengthening of Human Resource Management Systems
We have introduced a personnel system that is based on our human resource development policy and employee engagement surveys.
We also conduct multifaceted evaluations and work to improve our training systems to strengthen human resource development. In addition, we created the Career Development Meeting as a mechanism for considering the development of each and every employee.
New Personnel System
Taking into account issues with the personnel system that came to light based on engagement surveys (matters related to evaluations, salaries, bonuses, promotion and advancement, etc.) we introduced a new personnel system in FY2023.
To accommodate diverse career aspirations, we provide multiple career courses and opportunities to meet individual requests and strengths, while enhancing the transparency of goal management (evaluation) and compensation, and conducting fair evaluations and delivering compensation that reflects the roles employees are expected to fulfill, their actions and job performance.
Multifaceted Evaluation System
In FY2023, we introduced a multifaceted evaluation system for managerial staff ranked general manager and above, and expanded the scope to managers starting FY2024. We conduct post-evaluation training for all applicable managers, and encourage them to change their self-perceptions and make behavioral changes by drawing attention to their regular duties and abilities to perform their responsibilities.
Career Development Meeting
Beginning in FY2023, we have held a Career Development Meeting as a new initiative to support employee growth and place the right people in the right jobs within the organization. At the Meeting, the department heads within each division gather to share and clarify issues relating to developing member capabilities and so on, study the allocation of roles, and consider employee training plans including future promotion.
Attendees also share feedback from group analysis of stress check data, and trends and opinions relating to self-reporting, in order to help to improve the working environment.
Training Programs
We have strengthened investments in human resources that are essential to support sustainable growth and have arranged a diverse range of training programs. In addition to well-organized in-house and external training programs and schemes to support career advancement, as part of efforts to develop global human resources we help each employee improve their skills with a range of training options including English language training in the Philippines and English learning with coaching for executives, and a diverse menu of online English education for regular employees.