R&D Strategy Concept "IDEC BIG TREE"
In the 75 years since IDEC was founded, our industry’s priorities have evolved: from “quality and performance” as a basic need for attaining high productivity, to “safety and security” for protecting people, and today, “environment and energy” are the key words that we must bear in mind to preserve our global environment. Throughout this time, affirming our corporate mission of “creating the most suitable environment in which people and machines work,” we have provided technology-backed products and services to our customers. On the occasion of completing our new headquarters building, we confirm that IDEC makes an even greater contribution to the society. To raise our social contributions to the next level, we make every effort to create new technologies and features under the “IDEC BIG TREE” concept by combining our core technologies with technologies developed by industry, government and academia, and by communicating effectively through multiple channels. We strive to continue providing value to people while working in the manufacturing industry and in their everyday life, like a sturdy tree deeply rooted in society.
Nine core technologies

Core Technology Accumulation

Bringing our core work in nine areas, including Control Technology (CT), Safety Technology (ST), and Green Technology (GT), to the new headquarters/technology center, we aim to have these technologies grow and blossom through cooperation among industry, government, and academia.
The core center for optimized monodzukuri (manufacturing)
The new headquarters/technology center
The new headquarters/technology center is designed to integrate research, development, and production technology. Open and active communication among staff and alliances with others are encouraged to create new innovations.
Place for collaboration and integration
The open design of the building removes barriers among different departments. It encourages face-to-face interaction among product developers and manufacturing engineers, leading to fast product development and fast manufacturing.