Human Rights & Working Environment -
We do
● Strive to create a work environment, and perform employment activity and recruit activity that respects the human rights of individual employees and promotes diversity, to allow every employee and person to work on a level playing field regardless of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status.
● Adequately manage the working hours of employees, endeavor to ensure sound employment and working practices, and strive to create an employee-friendly workplace, which places prime importance on the health and safety of employees.
● Ensure that employees respect each other’s basic human rights and strive to pursue self-improvement with their eyes focused on lofty goals. Likewise, the management strives to provide active support and assistance for such acts and efforts.
● Respect open communication and direct contact between employees and the management and the right of employees and labors under the applicable law.
● Comply with the applicable laws, including minimum wages, overtime, and legal benefit regarding compensation paid to the employees belonging to our group in consideration of living wages.We don't
● Engage in any form of misconduct, including leakage or improper use of information and discrimination resulting from such behavior, by strictly managing all the personal data related to all stakeholders we handle by complying with applicable laws and regulations existing in the countries where we operate.
● Force employees to work against their will, use child labor, or engage in slavery or trafficking of persons.
● Tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual and power harassment.
● Embezzle or use any of the properties for private purposes by properly managing company properties.
Society and the Environment-
We do
● Strive to return profits to shareholders in a continuous and stable manner.
● Disclose to shareholders our corporate information, including our corporate mission, business plans and operating results, in a timely and appropriate manner, in order to fulfill our accountability as a public listed company.
● Disclose to the public our business activities, management philosophy, basic stance toward business, and status of legal compliance in a faithful and fair manner.
● Seek to reflect opinions from the public in our corporate activities, and thus aim to be a company trusted by the public.
● Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards regarding finance and accounting, and perform proper accounting procedures and issue accounting reports in a transparent manner.
● Conform to international norms and conduct all business activities including pollution prevention and waste reduction in consideration of environmental protection, and obtain and maintain all required environmental permits, authorizations and registrations.
● As a local community member and a global corporate citizen, actively engage in and support social contribution activities.
● With our basic concept of corporate governance being to ensure the transparency and efficiency of management for shareholders and all other stakeholders, promote management with emphasis on the transparency and efficiency of management.We don't
● Engage in business or any other relations with antisocial forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society.
● Engage in illegal securities transactions, including stock trading, making use of undisclosed information acquired in the course of our job duties or business transactions.
● Use information to illegally offer any benefits or convenience to a third party.
We do
● Engage in fair and free competition in sales activities.
● Engage in fair, impartial business transactions with suppliers and subcontractors. We also select suppliers and subcontractors based on appropriate methods and criteria for evaluation.
● Strive to enhance product quality by maintaining close cooperation and collaboration with a strong commitment to quality.
● In export and import transactions in products, technologies, services, etc., comply with all applicable laws and regulations and conform to the established procedures.We don't
● Infringe on the rights of others, by complying with laws and regulations on intellectual property and respecting the intellectual property rights of third parties.
● Engage in illegal or immoral conduct, including bribes, bid riggings, cartels restricting free competition, and restraints on the sales prices of goods we have supplied, by complying with relevant laws and regulations, including antimonopoly law, in any conduct that involves a conflict between the personal interests and the company’s interests with professional integrity.
● Engage in bribery, unfair provision of benefits, misconduct, fraud, other corruption acts, money laundering, treat or embezzlement; have relationships as well as engage in business with antisocial forces.
● Treat our suppliers and subcontractors unfairly, taking advantage of our superior position.